Product CategoryAccurate results - when and where you need them Digital Titrator methods use a high-precision dispensation device and cartridges of con 由上海植茂提供,作為HACH的合作伙伴,還提供COD試劑21258-15、COD試劑21259-15、OD試劑21258-25s
Reagent for determination of Silver by the Cadion 2B Colorimetric Method. Hach Method 8120. Range: 0.02 - 0.70 mg/L Ag. Sample Size: 50 由上海植茂提供,作為HACH的合作伙伴,還提供COD試劑21258-15、COD試劑21259-15、OD試劑21258-25s
For determination of aluminum in chlor-alkali brines 由上海植茂提供,作為HACH的合作伙伴,還提供COD試劑21258-15、COD試劑21259-15、OD試劑21258-25s
Buffer Reagent Solution for aluminum in brine testing. 100mL.bottle 由上海植茂提供,作為HACH的合作伙伴,還提供COD試劑21258-15、COD試劑21259-15、OD試劑21258-25s
For determination of free and complexed (chelated) Copper by the Binchoninate method. Range: up to 5.00 mg/L. Set includes: Free Coppe 由上海植茂提供,作為HACH的合作伙伴,還提供COD試劑21258-15、COD試劑21259-15、OD試劑21258-25s
For low-level determination of nickel and cobalt by the PAN method. Hach method 8078. Sample Size: 10-mL Pack of 100 Powder Pillows. R 由上海植茂提供,作為HACH的合作伙伴,還提供COD試劑21258-15、COD試劑21259-15、OD試劑21258-25s
For determination of metals by EDTA titration 由上海植茂提供,作為HACH的合作伙伴,還提供COD試劑21258-15、COD試劑21259-15、OD試劑21258-25s
For setting instrument sample blank on TNTplus methods Reduce Errors with Bar-coded Vials and RFID No Reagent Blank Necessary Innovat 由上海植茂提供,作為HACH的合作伙伴,還提供COD試劑21258-15、COD試劑21259-15、OD試劑21258-25s