Product CategoryFor determination Aluminum by the Chromazurol S Method, using TNTplus vials. Hach Method 10215. Range: 0.02-0.50 mg/L Al, 24 Tests Reduc由上海植茂提供,作為HACH的合作伙伴,還提供COD試劑21258-15、COD試劑21259-15、OD試劑21258-25
For determination of Cadmium by the Cadion method, using TNTplus vials. Hach Method 10217. Range: 0.02-.030 mg/L Cd. 25 tests. Test dete 由上海植茂提供,作為HACH的合作伙伴,還提供COD試劑21258-15、COD試劑21259-15、OD試劑21258-25
For determination of Hexavalent and Total Chromium by the 1,5-Diphenylcarbohydrazide Method, using TNTplus vials. Hach Methods 10218 (Cr6由上海植茂提供,作為HACH的合作伙伴,還提供COD試劑21258-15、COD試劑21259-15、OD試劑21258-25
For determination of Copper by the Bathocuproine Method, using TNTplus vials. Hach Method 10238. Range: 0.1-8.0 mg/L Cu. 25 Tests Reduc 由上海植茂提供,作為HACH的合作伙伴,還提供COD試劑21258-15、COD試劑21259-15、OD試劑21258-25
Reduce Errors with Bar-coded Vials and RFID A unique barcode label on each Hach TNTplus Vial Chemistry is automatically read by the spec 由上海植茂提供,作為HACH的合作伙伴,還提供COD試劑21258-15、COD試劑21259-15、OD試劑21258-25
For determination of Nickel by the Dimethylglyoxime Method, using TNTplus vials. Hach Method 10220. Range: 0.1-6.0 mg/L Ni. 25 Tests. 由上海植茂提供,作為HACH的合作伙伴,還提供COD試劑21258-15、COD試劑21259-15、OD試劑21258-25s
The Calcium Separation Set is required when conducting TNTplus tests for Cadmium (TNT852) in sample matrices that contain calcium or m 由上海植茂提供,作為HACH的合作伙伴,還提供COD試劑21258-15、COD試劑21259-15、OD試劑21258-25s
For use with TNTplus™ metal tests that require digestion. This set is to be used where total metal determinations are desired. 50 dige 由上海植茂提供,作為HACH的合作伙伴,還提供COD試劑21258-15、COD試劑21259-15、OD試劑21258-25s