Product CategoryFor determination of Mercury by the Cold Vapor Mercury Concentration Method. Hach Method 10065. Range: 0.1 - 2.5 ?g/L Hg. Method requires由上海植茂提供,作為HACH的合作伙伴,還提供COD試劑21258-15、COD試劑21259-15、OD試劑21258-25
For determination of Mercury by the Cold Vapor Mercury Concentration Method. Hach Method 10065. Range: 0.1 - 2.5 µg/L Hg. Method requires由上海植茂提供,作為HACH的合作伙伴,還提供COD試劑21258-15、COD試劑21259-15、OD試劑21258-25
For hexavalent chromium determination by the Diphenylcarbohydrazide Method. USEPA accepted for reporting for wastewater analyses using H由上海植茂提供,作為HACH的合作伙伴,還提供COD試劑21258-15、COD試劑21259-15、OD試劑21258-25
For hexavalent chromium determination by the Diphenylcarbohydrazide Method. USEPA accepted for reporting for wastewater analyses using H由上海植茂提供,作為HACH的合作伙伴,還提供COD試劑21258-15、COD試劑21259-15、OD試劑21258-25
For determination of hexavalent chromium by the Diphenylcarbohydrazide method. USEPA accepted for reporting for wastewater analyses usi 由上海植茂提供,作為HACH的合作伙伴,還提供COD試劑21258-15、COD試劑21259-15、OD試劑21258-25s
For determination of zinc by the zincon (ZincoVer 5) method. CAS No. 108-94-1 C6H10O, FW = 98.15. Assay: 99.5%. 1 liter bottle 由上海植茂提供,作為HACH的合作伙伴,還提供COD試劑21258-15、COD試劑21259-15、OD試劑21258-25s
For determination of Chromate by Digital Titrator titration. 0.2068 N Na2S2O3. Digits x 0.2 = mg/L CrO4 in a 50 mL sample. Accurate r 由上海植茂提供,作為HACH的合作伙伴,還提供COD試劑21258-15、COD試劑21259-15、OD試劑21258-25s
For determination of chromate by sodium thiosulfate Digital Titrator titration. Hach Method 8211. Range: 20-400 mg/L CrO4. Reagent Set 由上海植茂提供,作為HACH的合作伙伴,還提供COD試劑21258-15、COD試劑21259-15、OD試劑21258-25s