
當前位置:首頁 > 產(chǎn)品中心 > 哈希試劑 > 實驗室試劑 > pH Standard, IUPAC,哈希試劑pH Standard, IUPAC, pH4.005 at 25 °C

哈希試劑pH Standard, IUPAC, pH4.005 at 25 °C

簡要描述:Each bottle (500 mL) is supplied with a COFRAC Verification Certificate and Certificate of Conformity and Traceability drawn up accordin由上海植茂提供,作為HACH的合作伙伴,還提供COD試劑21258-15、COD試劑21259-15、OD試劑21258-25s

  • 更新時間:2023-08-22
  • 訪  問  量:955



Each bottle (500 mL) is supplied with a COFRAC Verification Certificate and Certificate of Conformity and Traceability drawn up according to ISO31.

  • Total Control of the traceability chain and calculated uncertainties
  • Direct traceability to primary standards and the reference method
  • The competence and integrity of a laboratory internationally recognized to be accredited for the measurement of pH and conductivity reference materials

    Total Control of the traceability chain and calculated uncertainties

    Direct traceability to primary standards and the reference method

    The competence and integrity of a laboratory internationally recognized to be accredited for the measurement of pH and conductivity reference materials


    Concentration:4.005 ± 0.010 pH bij 25 °C

    Description :traceable to IUPAC pH scale and NIST

    Footnote:¹Behalve pH 7,000 door ons geformuleerd in overeenstemming met NIST-, IUPAC- en DIN19266-specificaties van pH 6,865 en pH 7,413 ²Dansk Fundamental Metrologi A/S is geaccrediteerd voor pH-metingen door het Deense accrediteringsorgaan Danske Akkrediterings- og Metrologifond (DANAK) (nr. 255)

    NIST Traceable:yes


    Platform :Buffer

    Quantity:500 mL

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